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God did not stop creation until woman manifested in the scene. No human society is complete without the womenfolk. Development of any human society can hardly be attainable when women’s roles are not factored in, nor acknowledged and appreciated.  Status of women is a very compelling issue, essentially because women are yet to attain their full potential on a broader level. Women are more than fifty percent of the world’s population, they perform two – third 2/3 of the world’s work, yet receive one tenth of the world’s income. It is however imperative to know that over the year’s, participation of women in Nigeria politics is still at the minimal or low level. This is largely due to fact that Nigeria politics is highly patriarchal in nature and this is not only rooted in Nigeria culture but deep rooted in African culture, where men dominate the society and are given preferential treatment over women. They see women as weaker sex, although certain feminine actions do portray women as the weaker sex. Actions like always wanting to use the advantage of being a woman to command undue advantage will always give case to those who argue that women themselves do not believe in the equality of gender consequentially, women are often referred to as emotional beings, who cannot handle the affairs of their communities and has nothing meaningful to bring to the table for the development of their various communities.

In Nigeria, it is observed that womanhood, especially the roles played by women in the political terrain is most case what is exemplary in the society, women play supportive roles to their husbands, brothers either as voters or as wife or wives of candidates standing for elective positions with only few cases of exception where otherwise has been marked. It is on record that the vast majority of women participating in politics are either as first ladies of governors or wives of other political stakeholders with only a few having a direct involvement as appointees or elected candidates. IF we are to scrutinize even further more, we will be shocked to see that even those having a direct involvement are either there due to the influence of their husband and father not of their own will and popularity.

Over the years there has been an increased call for more women to take center stage in political matters. In Africa however, the call has only ended as a call that it is with little or no empowerment given to women to participate in the political process. It was thus a shocker that when the whole world was in sensation of a first female president of the USA ( although that hope has been temporarily dashed or suspended till God knows when) our president went outside to state in reaction to comments made by his wife “I don’t know which party my wife belongs to, but she belongs to my Kitchen, my living and the other room” and therefore came up with a defensive statement that it was an humorous statement which he didn’t really mean what he said. But i tend to stand against or disagree with this defensive statement of his cause out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

The statement first and foremost shows how left behind baba is in terms of global affairs. Men of this present dispensation do not marry women for the sake of putting them in the kitchen. Men marry women who can assist them in many ways other than cooking. But baba has a wife whose roles are only limited (supposedly) to the kitchen and the other room as baby factories if am to borrow GEJ' S language. Indeed this is not a joke that baba has described it to be as his antecedents precedes him well. Where was Aisha Buhari in the elections of 2003-2011? relegated to the kitchen and the other room to satisfy the monstrous sexual needs of our dear president( i probably have given baba too much praise on that).  This trend would have remained until the APC which managed the electioneering propagandas of the president brought Aisha out from the obscurity of the other room probably against the wishes of Sai baba.

Again baba erred when he said it is a joke and even if we are supposed to forcefully accept his thoughtless attempt of seeking himself a new profession of rib cracking as he seems to be overwhelmed by the politics and burden of administering the country ( running away did not work so... ) He probably is unaware that as president of one of the most sensitive beings ever to have graced the earth surface, there are certain jokes you do not joke. Jokes intended at upholding the superiority and dominance of one group over another even as it is still a hotly contested issue. it is just like a governor in Delta coming out to say that the Itsekiris are the original owners of warri only to turn around and say its a joke... what!!! one thing i deduce from that is baba does not understand what his task is yet and he thinks its a joke to be a leader cracking jokes that seems funny to him and his likes alone.

Baba has been defended by some who claim that after all he was only talking to his wife but not to other peoples wives and daughters, hence he should not be slayed for it. Habaaaaaa!!! the policies of a leader are a true reflection of his person. If baba who has been termed as stubborn and uncompromising in using the stick (in fact it was that tag that got him more votes) has a particular view about what roles certain people play in the society. It will only be a matter of time before his policies on that issue becomes a reflection of his innermost being.

And before I go I must add that to all women, your husband will make of you what you make of yourself. My argument does not change the fact that women should cook for their family, but limiting a woman to the role of a maid and a sex slave is not acceptable by me and should not be for any right thinking man or woman. We should all be feminists.


1 comment:

  1. Great line of thought; its high time women took vantage position in the society even though gender discrimination in politics is inevitable. ..


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