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Corruption: Why politicians steal

Stealing is not corruption was one of the popular clangers dropped by the now internationally celebrated former president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan. I am not here to castigate him on that as i totally believe the man knows what he was trying to say and i believe if given another opportunity he will be able to clarify himself on that. However, i will hang on to my own perspective of saying stealing is indeed corruption. Trust oyinbo and vocabularies, he embezzled, misappropriation of funds and all other jagons  used to qualify corruption. To the man on the street, any one that has been found guilty of any of the said crimes in the peoples court or the polls of public opinion is nothing but a thief... ole, barawooo, onyioshi.

As Dec 9 is set aside to mark the worlds anti corruption day, i would like to ask why do politicians steal?  Stealing as i have used to classify all forms of syphoning public revenues is the biggest form of corruption as we have been made to believe by our corruption obsessed president even when other forms of corruption that are the harbingers of the bigger manifestations are left unanswered to. So why do politicians steal ( if you are not comfortable with the word steal please insert any word that  pleases you and lets journey on).

In answering that question I will again make reference to Dr Jonathan who said Nigerian Politicians are corrupt because the people encourage them to be. Indeed, as absurd as it may seem to the ear that the same people who suffer most from the effects of corrupt practices will still be the one encouraging politicians to be corrupt. But alas!!! the bitter truth is what Dr Jonathan spoke. Nigerians cut across varying religious and socio-cultural backgrounds are guilty.

We live in a society that celebrates and embolden criminals. Take the case of a certain Onanefe James Ibori who is serving jail term outside the shores of the country, Yearly he celebrates his birthday with a lot of people always present. I hear you say its his political associates that always attend these money spinning occasions.  Buruji Kasamu was made a patron or there about by a body supposed to be fighting for the liberation of students and by extension securing a better future for youths. The shameless NANS even went ahead to term Buruji a role model... sickening and unbelievable right?

But that in itself is not where i am driving at, Mr Ade is just an ordinary Nigerian with no body sending whether or not he exists. Mr Ade with a shallow understand of  what politics and service is about decides to stand for an elective position. Against all odds aided mostly by the permutations of his god fathers he is returned elected for whatever post he put in for. The fact that he has to remain loyal to his god fathers is already a big issue for good governance. Here comes the role of the people in the escalation of corrupt practices.

Ade who was once an unknown entity becomes a darling of all and thus pressure is put on him. He is made patron of this, chairman of that, host of this and that, He has to be the face of most movements. All these come along with financial commitments. These added to the fact that he has dividends of democracy to deliver, his role as a family man awaits and other miscellaneous stuffs means that He needs to source for extra cash from what so ever source he sees.

While i am not saying this alone is the sole reason why politicians steal, am saying the catalogue of expectations and added pressure from family members, groups and associations means cannot be overlooked as a push factor into touching public funds.

Everyman has a face to keep and just tell me what the expression of an ordinary Nigerian will be if he asks lets say senator B for financial help and the senator says he is badly affected by the economic recession. He will in a twinkle of an eye become unpopular. He will be de-marketed by the people. The politicians are human and are a product of the wider society. So if lets say JCI NANS and other bodies stop making politicians or criminals chairman of this and that with no financial rewards expected then is the start of accountable and responsive governance. How do you criticise me when i have paid you a part of a stolen money?

As we cheer PMB on in his crooked fight against the hydra-headed monster called corruption. Let us as individuals and as groups do a soul searching on how we unconsciously encourage politicians and public office holders to be corrupt.

I am Ayodele Kelvin


1 comment:

  1. You did well on this, even thogh I would have expected a deeper explanation of the patron-client theory aspect on why people encourage politicians to steal.


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